You're about to discover a very powerful way to determine what a truly good deal in commercial real estate looks like and what a bad deal looks like. On the surface, it can be quite different; but below the surface is where you really find out which ones are the winners … [Read more...]
Exit Strategies For Commercial Real Estate
Well, first things first, you've got to know your exit strategy before you invest in any commercial real estate investments. If you don't, what you're telling yourself is that it's okay to not maximize your cash flow and it's okay to not maximize your profits when you … [Read more...]
Creative Financing for Commercial Real Estate
It's really important that you know how to structure deals that no one else does. What if you don't have enough of a down payment? How do you close that deal? What if you find a great deal that's distressed? How do you finance something like that? What if the seller has … [Read more...]
How to Make Commercial Deals With Distressed Sellers
We teach our students and clients all across this nation how to find commercial property owners quickly, and then we show them how to talk to them, how to find the seller's motivation, and, lastly, how to structure deals around those motivations. As you go out there and … [Read more...]
Creative Financing Using Second Carry Mortgage
It's really important that you know how to structure deals that no one else does to give you the upper hand. A typical real estate agent may or may not know how to be creative but for the most part, they're not interested because it may affect their commission. From my … [Read more...]
Commercial Cash out Refinance
There are some things in the commercial real estate business that you want. There are some things that you need, and there are some must-haves. The commercial cash out refinance is a must-have. What Exactly is a Commercial Cash Out Refi and How Can it Help You? The … [Read more...]
Buying Commercial Real Estate without Bank Loans
Discover how to buy commercial real estate without using bank loans. You'll learn about creative financing techniques such as master leases, seller financing and installment sales. This is a must watch video for anyone interested in commercial real estate … [Read more...]
Big Cash or Big Credit at Closing
How to get Big Credit or Big Cash at Closing on Your Commercial Deals Why Getting Cash or Credit at Closing is Good 1. It makes you look good and it makes your deals even better. 2. Your buyers come out of pocket less at closing by the amount you … [Read more...]
Is Bigger Better? Commercial vs Residential
Is bigger, better? Is commercial real estate a better investment than residential. You're about to join me in the studio with a radio host as we discuss this all important topic. You'll learn about the economies of scale that commercial multi family properties create, … [Read more...]
Getting Started in Commercial Real Estate
Before getting started in commercial real estate, there are several questions you should ask yourself. Why commercial real estate? What do you bring to commercial real estate? How much desire do you have to be in commercial real estate? Where geographically do … [Read more...]