Is bigger, better? Is commercial real estate a better investment than residential. You're about to join me in the studio with a radio host as we discuss this all important topic. You'll learn about the economies of scale that commercial multi family properties create, … [Read more...]
Getting Started in Commercial Real Estate
Before getting started in commercial real estate, there are several questions you should ask yourself. Why commercial real estate? What do you bring to commercial real estate? How much desire do you have to be in commercial real estate? Where geographically do … [Read more...]
Commercial Real Estate Investing for Dummies
Commercial real estate investing for dummies as described by the author himself. You're about to discover why commercial real estate is so powerful, what types of real estate are defined as commercial as well as a simple 3 step process for evaluating any commercial … [Read more...]
5 Best Commercial Real Estate Types for Individual Investors
You're about to discover the 5 best commercial real estate types for individual investors. Many of the iconic commercial properties you drive by everyday are owned or controlled by larger investment firms, such as real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), Private Equity … [Read more...]
Using a Letter of Intent for Making Offers on Commercial Real Estate
Discover why successful commercial real estate investors use a letter of intent when first making an offer on commercial real estate and how you can too! In this quick training, you're going to learn what an LOI (letter of intent) is, the 3 main purpose of an … [Read more...]
Analyzing Commercial Real Estate Quickly and Easily
Analyzing commercial real estate is not nearly as complicated as it may at first appear. In fact, once you have the basic information about the property, analyzing the deal can be done quickly and easily if you understand the 5 basic terms. Income and Expenses: The … [Read more...]
Master Lease Agreement for Commercial Real Estate
Discover the power of the master lease agreement for commercial real estate. For beginners and experts alike, it allows you to control property without having to get a bank loan. It is a foundational tool for all commercial real estate investors. Master … [Read more...]
3 Biggest Apartment Syndication Mistakes
Discover the 3 biggest apartment syndication mistakes investors make and how to avoid them. Apartment syndication can be a powerful way to acquire more commercial real estate faster and with greater returns. But when real estate syndication is done wrong, it can lead to … [Read more...]
Funding Commercial Real Estate Deals
Funding commercial real estate deals can be accomplished in many different ways; from the traditional ways such as conventional bank loans, to more creative techniques such as master lease agreements. Each funding type has its own pros and cons. In addition, certain … [Read more...]
How to Avoid Bad Commercial Real Estate Deals
Understanding what a good commercial real estate deal looks like can be extremely valuable. Knowing if what looks to be a good deal is actually a really bad deal, could save your financial life. Commercial real estate laws are not set up for buyer protection. With … [Read more...]